Good Tips from the time you apply for a Mortgage through closing time! Do not change jobs or become self employed. Do not buy or lease an automobile, furniture or increase credit card balances. Do not run your own credit report. Do not change bank accounts or move assets from one bank to another. Do […]
Top Tips for Buying a Home
Buying a home is an important life decision. Make sure you consider these important tips before you buy: 1. Look at your finances and decide how much you can afford. 2. Make sure to physical inspect the home and property for potential fixes and hazards. 3. Tour the neighborhood at different hours to get a […]
Prepping Your Home for Sale
Follow these tips when preparing your home for sale: Stage each living area to help potential buyers imagine living in that space. Keep all rooms sparkly clean, including children rooms. Remove clutter and extra furniture to help the space feel clean and larger. Depersonalize to help potential buyers visualize their items in that space.